Les poilus - Season 4 : Episode 17


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Season 4 will see Véronique Cloutier (joined by her own furry friend, her dog Gisèle) meet the four-legged fashionista known as Tika the Iggy, an Italian greyhound who's graced the pages of Vogue. She'll also encounter two adorable, lesser-known critters, the fennec fox and the dormouse. Guy Jodoin will meet Matt the water buffalo and an affectionate llama named Frida, discuss the guinea pigs of his youth and have his knowledge tested on the countries of origin of various small species. Also on this season's lineup are Marie-Ève Janvier, Simon Boulerice, Élyse Marquis, Mehdi Bousaidan, Pier-Luc Funk, Micheline Lanctôt, Mitsou and Yanic Truesdale!

Season 4 Episodes


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